
Automobile Insurance - Personal, Business, and Fleet

How do you like your current automobile insurance rate?  Does your current insurer increase the premium every year, even when you have had no claims?  Unfortunately, almost all insurers do.

To combat insurers' premium inflation, Allied's agents shop your insurance ever year so that you can be certain you are getting the best coverage for the money you are paying.  So, that you have more than one choice, the Allied Agency is contracted with several of the most reputable personal automobile insurers in the country today.

You can call Allied today at 214-269-1560 and ask us to shop your automobile insurance for you. 

Allied also can help you with your business auto insurance.  Whether it's just your car in the company's name or a fleet of cars, buses, truck, or vans, Allied has reliably competitive markets for business auto insurance.

Business Auto, Mobile Equipment, and Inland Marine Coverage Available

Business Auto, Mobile Equipment, and Inland Marine Coverage Available

If you are responsible for the your company's automobiles, trucks, fleet, or mobile equipment, call Kevin at 214-269-1560 or e-mail